Film processing is the process of developing a film from a camera that uses film rolls like the Nikon F100. The film being used is the 400 black and white film roll. The process of rolling a film rolls have to be done in a dark environment like the dark room with zero source of light. This process of rolling films can be done with a group of people due to the efficiency of getting all the film processed at a short amount of time.
The first step is to unroll the film to put in a roller. To unroll, break the casing that holds the films and unroll the films out of the casing. Once the film is out use the roller to roll the film and later drop it in the tank depending on the amount of rollers there is. The tanks vary from 3 roll tank, 5 roll tank and 10 roll tank.
After transferring the films, pre-soak the tank with room temperature and agitate the tank for one minute. Later drain the tank and measure out 1:2 ratio of developer and water. An example would be, 350mL of developer and 650mL of water mixed into a 2L measuring cylinder. Pour the developer mixture into the tank and agitate. Let the films soak for 20 ~ 35 minutes while agitating every 5 minutes.
Drain the developer solution and pour in the stop bath solution until it covers the films and agitate for one minutes. Clean the funnel and put it in the stop bath tank to save the used solution. Fill the tank with the fixer solution and agitate. Leave the fixer for 5 minutes and clean the funnel that will be used to strain the fixer into the fixer tank. Open the lid of the tank, since the films are now light save and rinse it under the running room temperature water to get rid of the excesses.
Pour in the Hypo Clear #1 into the tank until it covers the films and leave it for 2 minutes. Take a clean funnel and pour the solution into a tank called Hypo Clear #2. Hypo Clear #2 is just a re-usable hypo clear solution. Do not save the hypo clear #2 if it is used.
Rinse the tank with running water for about 3 ~ 4 minutes. Take ¼ cap of a photo flo and mix it with running water in a 2L bucket. Take out the film roles and dip them in the photo flo mixture for 2 ~ 3 minutes. Take a roller and drain the excess photo flo solution and unroll the film to hang for the drying process. Leave the film to dry for a day as the dry film makes it easily to store in the film sleeves.